Saturday Jul 13, 2024
11:00 AM - 6:00 PM CDT
Registration begins 9:00AM
Opening Ceremonies 10:30 AM
Includes: Color Guard, National Anthem, Safety Brief, Prayer, Guest Speak Senator Wilcox
Kick Stands Up: 11:00AM
End Party Opens 2PM
Bikes Return by 3PM
LiveMusic Begins 3PM
Rodeo Begins 4PM
Start -
McHenry VFW Post 4600
End Party & Rodeo
McHenry County Fairgrounds
Ride, End Party & Rodeo - $30 per bike (save $5 with online registration)
End Party & Rodeo ONLY - $15
End Party Includes Food, Live Music, Rodeo Entry (if participating) and all the fun 300+ bikers can have together!
Vendors, Raffles, Games
Rodeo Games - Hot Dog Catch, Slow Ride, Barrel/Keg Push, Ball Snatch
Jennifer Kipp
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The 5th Annual Veterans Path to Hope Motorcycle Run & Rodeo is happening on July 13th!
Starting out at McHenry VFW, this guided ride stops at 1175 Bar & Eatery, Herners Hideaway and finishing up with the end party and rodeo at the McHenry County Fairgrounds!
Ever been to an end party & rodeo? You will love it! The Best Vendors, Grilled Food, Motorcycle Games, & Live Music! McHenry County's Finest will be there to keep us safe thanks to the generous donations of our event sponsors!
Why are we doing this? Of course, we love motorcyclists and want to have an awesome event! But seriously, our New Horizons veterans home in Hebron needs some essential items! Our goal is to raise the funds to purchase what we need or find amazing businesses to donate!
Motorcycle enthusiasts, please follow our event on Facebook for all the updates!
See you at the Fair Grounds!
Looking to sponsor one of the best and fastest-growing events? Check out our sponsorship levels!
Printed courtesy of – Contact the Cary-Grove Area Chamber of Commerce for more information.
210 Crystal St., Ste. A, Cary, IL 60013 – (847) 639-2800 –