Tuesday Apr 22, 2025
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM CDT
Lynn Caccavallo 847.639.2800
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Join us for the May "Tri-Lunch" hosted by the Algonquin/Lake in the Hills, Cary-Grove Area, and Huntley Area Chambers!
Bring your colleagues and enjoy a delightful lunch at Galati's Hideaway in Cary. This casual setting offers a fantastic opportunity to connect with members from multiple Chambers, network, and support our local business community. Make sure to preregister with your local Chamber and don't forget your business cards!
Printed courtesy of www.carygrovechamber.com/ – Contact the Cary-Grove Area Chamber of Commerce for more information.
210 Crystal St., Ste. A, Cary, IL 60013 – (847) 639-2800 – info@carygrovechamber.com