FRGML Running Club
Fox River Grove Memorial Library Running Club will meet Tuesdays & Thursdays at 6:30 PM, as well as Saturdays at 7:30 AM.
Halloween Experience Trolley Tours at Volo Museum
Halloween Experience Trolley Tours at Volo Museum
Movie Matinee (Shrek)
At Fox River Grove Memorial Library bring your friends to catch amovie! You may bring nut-free snacks, and popcorn will be offered. All families are welcome!
Movie Matinee (Shrek)
At Fox River Grove Memorial Library bring your friends to catch amovie! You may bring nut-free snacks, and popcorn will be offered. All families are welcome!
Technology Class for eBooks & Audiobooks
Learn how to access ebooks, audiobooks, and more on your own devices with an FRGML card.